Tuesday, July 12, 2011


While reading SouleMama today, I realized I missed my own boat. When blogging, stay true. As I was searching for my photo this week, I had several to choose from but I wasn't FEELING it, so I ventured into my raised beds and started taking pics and posted them earlier this week and felt PROUD. I also realized that as I was surfing around Bloggingland, I was looking for everyone's garden posts to see what they were growing and how is was doing. Why don't we listen to ourselves more often?

'Say What?!?' started out about gardening and it should BE about gardening. Amanda wrote the line, "How does your garden grow?" A big smack in the forehead for me. The Tuesday update...I want to SEE your gardens! I want to share mine! So, in the spirit of learning and SouleMama's finishing line, Tuesdays will be my "How Does Your Garden Grow?" showcase. Share your garden with me and I will share mine with you.

If you did have a post for this week, please, still share your post and thank you for riding along on this journey.


  1. Your squash looks great and I look forward to seeing what else you have growing. I hope to post about my garden tomorrow since I am starting to feel better.xx

  2. Glad to see that you're having such gardening success and am looking forward to discovering what else you have growing!

  3. Glad to see that you're having such gardening success and am looking forward to discovering what else you have growing!


Thank you for sharing your feedback, questions and comments. The back and forth is what it is all about! If you would like to leave a link to one of your posts, follow this format in your comment and it will be a hyperlink.