Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow? {May 22, 2012}

Everything is growing. Last Spring was so wet and muddy and this year...well this year we have had a beautiful Spring. Sunny days followed by a day or two of rain, perfect for germination and growth. The weeds are noticing as well, but I am going to focus on the intentional growth.
Our peas are filling out nicely. The shelling peas in the background even have flowers!

We are adding radishes and asparagus to our meals. I just have to tell you, there is not any color enhancement in these photos. Deep greens and robust reds on our dinner plates. A friend suggested slicing and roasting the radishes. Ooh la la, I will be trying that this week.
Look at that. These are the days I linger in the garden. Last year was such a disappointment that these prizes feel like an incredible reward for returning to the task and believing in the possibilities of what can happen when seeds and soil meet.

We added our cherry tomato plants to the beds this week along with two broccoli seedlings and a patty pan seedling. I can't wait.

Signs of life in the garden: radishes, oregano, sunflowers, peas, spinach, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, potatoes, corn, beans, pumpkins, raspberries, asparagus, artichokes, summer savory, chard, kale, leeks and apple gourds. Here we go. Excitement mounts as we make our daily rounds. This is why we garden.

A fun aside about our garden this year, we are seeing new bird species. Collared Doves, baby American Goldfinches, Chipping Sparrows are all new inhabintants. So far, they are welcome. The doves are sitting on the top of our potato box posts every morning. They are like perfect little ornaments perched and watching. Love it. The baby goldfinches were sitting on the edge of the garden bed, patiently allowing my littles to watch them. We have seen the adults before, but never their littles. I Love Spring and the myriad of opportunities it allows to learn about growth, change and abundance by your own hand. Who are your feathered friends?

...and tell me, how is your garden doing? I can't wait to see!



  1. Around here it is a constant battle against the grackles who pull up every sort of seedling. I have cover all of my seed beds with row covers until they are about six inches high or I get nothing. 20 feet of peas, only 4 plants made it because they weren't covered. I do love the different kinds of finches tho, they seem to eat a lot of bugs, just have to watch and cover the sunflowers seed heads when they ripen!

    1. Grackles are aggressive! I had a battle for my peas against a single Towhee last year. THREE plantings! Thanks for the reminder about the sunflower seed heads. Instant bird food.

  2. I haven't planted patty pan squash in years. I may have to re-think that one. With the exception of some tomato and pepper seedlings (that I'm still hardening off) the garden is planted. Weeds are only a little under control. I'll be interested to hear how your roasted radishes are. I've got French Breakfast radishes coming up and some are ready to eat now.

    1. We love patty pan. I think we are pretty well planted as well. I have one bag of potatoes that I haven't planted yet. Really?!? Yes. I am going to pop them into a tub this week. I will keep you posted on my roasted radishes!

  3. Ooo, look at those gorgeous red radishes! I can't believe you are actually eating veggies from your garden already!

    I'm not sure if it's all the rain we've had, or just our climate zones, but my garden seems a few weeks behind yours. Hoping to get more of my starts into the garden this weekend. Still fighting slugs :(

    Here's my link:

    1. Lettuce, radishes and spinach are good for the taking right now. So sorry about your slug battle. :( Time to buy another 6 pack? I have read that they do not like rough surfaces, diatomaceous earth or copper tape. Just thoughts.

  4. I still have to post this week, but the growth in my garden is unbelievable! The summer squash are flowering already, the tomato plants have more than quadrupled in size since I planted them, and the leafy greens are doing fabulously. Yesterday I ate the first radish from the garden, and was delighted to discover it didn't taste like water at all, but like a spicy radish.

    1. Ruth, let me know when you post. I can't wait to see! Flowering squash!?! Wowza! Congrats on your spicy radish as well. Best earthy, spicy little things, aren't they?

  5. Wow, your garden is so far ahead of ours. We just have our peas and lettuce up so far. We have a robin that likes to nest in our burning bush just outside our kitchen window every year and this year there are 2 little ones in the nest. Do you add anything to your soil each year before planting your seeds?

    1. Hi Katy,
      I love that you have a robin's next within sight. My littles would adore that! We have two baby goldfinches that are incredibly curious.
      Every fall I add a load of compost and cover it with straw. When I start planting seeds, I mix in an all purpose organic fertilizer about a week before I plant. After that, I side dress with what makes each variety happy!

  6. I have no photos, but we added herbs to our garden this year. They line the walkway from the deck to the back yard. So pretty and vibrant. Over the past two years, we moved this particular bed from chemical (insert GASP!) weed control to organic weed control. Our herbs are growing nicely and I know they are healthy too! :)

    Beautiful photos!

    1. It is such a treat to have an herb garden. I find myself using it when I meal plan each week. Nothing beats fresh herbs. I can't wait for my basil to do something!

  7. What beautiful produce! Do you have tips on how to help my herb garden thrive? It's doing well...steady production and all, but I just think maybe it could do better?

  8. Val you are doing great with your garden, veggies producing already, Everything in my garden is popping up, but nothing coming off yet.

  9. Val, your treasures and beautiful. I love digging in the garden looking for miracles! Although I don't like radishes, my family does and since they are usually the first to produce I love planting and harvesting them. Your asparagus makes me even more determined to grow them when we get our garden built. Happy Thursday Sweetie!

  10. Wonderful! We don't have any plants up yet... until this week, it's been cold yet at night. Hoping to get things in the ground this weekend...

  11. I love the asparagus! Especially the green. I've had the white in Germany, and they make a huge deal out of it, but it is not nearly as good as the green to me.

  12. It's amazing how much better freshly grown veggies look than store bought. I am impressed.


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