Friday, October 28, 2011

{this moment}: friends make birthdays special

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.
Thank you to my very talented friend at Flour Arrangements for treating me and my birthday buddies with such an amazing cake. (Click on her link to see how she made it. Incredibly talented woman.)


  1. That is one amazing cake and I wish I was there to sample a bite. I hope you enjoy a wonderful fall weekend.xx

  2. Great cake!! Hope you had a great Birthday week!! I just turned 40 something else yesterday, my cake was cute, but not that cute!! Lol!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Wow! That cake is amazing! I hope you enjoyed a great birthday.

  4. Boo-tiful cake! (he-he) it is spectacular! Leaves me wondering about the inside...raspberry? vanilla? chocolate? What yum! thought I'd come over an say hello! Happy Birthday.

  5. LOVELY cake and I dig that crown! We also have those stickers all over our playroom -my son, Z loves to color them with markers. Happy birthday!

  6. How could you not have an amazing birthday with such a fabulous cake?! I bet you and your friends had fun...

  7. Love the cake. Happy Birthday!

  8. Wow! What a cake! Love the crown, too.

  9. I love the little ghosts flying around the cake! Great idea!


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