Friday, July 1, 2011

{this moment}: strawberry pancake harvest

A Friday ritual from Soule Mama
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.  
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  
If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your “moment” in the comments for all to find and see.

Click here to share your thoughts. please.


  1. So tentative. Precious. And I'm lovin' the yellow boots!

  2. sweet! i love the pjs and boots! and i'll bet your strawberries never make it into the house...

    thanks for the visit and sweet story. little boys melt my heart.

  3. Your strawberry farmer is adorable.

  4. Oh the cute! I love the container you are using to grow strawberries in, I might have to borrow that idea!

  5. Thanks Anne! I have three barrels of strawberries and 2 of peas. I figured I could keep the strawberries contained and plentiful that way. Fingers crossed.

  6. Beautiful picture! I'm doing something similar over at My Love From Home with a "Wordless Wednesday"

    Your green thumb still inspires me!


  7. I know this is supposed to be a no words post, but i have to tell this part. C wanted strawberries with his pancakes so i told him to go grab some. As you can see they are under nets, to keep them safe, so he was having some issues. I went out to help and saw that he was cleaning off the top of each strawberry before he put it into his bowl. "I am cleaning them up and then I will take them in and rinse them off and then I will eat them and then I will go get some for you." This was him collecting "my" strawberries. They were super sweet with his added *sugar*.

  8. Oh my gosh, this is such a great picture! Easily one of my faves from this week! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday and leaving this beautiful link!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Adorable! I love his gardening outfit. What a great moment.

  10. Adorable! I love his gardening outfit. What a great moment.


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