Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow? {April 3, 2012}

Ok, I am just going to come out and say it. Technology, for all of it's conveniences, really stinks sometimes. I took over 40 photos to choose from for my post today and now my computer is saying it cannot read my card. After a little research, I have determined that my memory card is toast. I discovered this and it is almost dark outside; my only alternative is my iPhone. Meh. I would think that this was some cruel April Fool's joke, however, it is the 2nd. A new card has been ordered and photos will resume next week. There were some pretty ones, too. I guess I could claim they were National Geographic quality if I wanted, they will never be seen. Ok, enough of that. Pity party officially over. The Good Apple saves the day...again.

What's happening here? Deer and...
Good things are happening in the garden. Our asparagus, which I was SURE the Good Apple had killed, is sprouting. This will be our first year for a harvest and we are really excited! We planted 24 crowns in 2010 and all 24 sprouted last year. They were left to their own devices over the fall and winter. No mulching. No weeding. No love. It would be his luck that they come up like crazy. I do not have this same luck.

The peas are doing just dandy. Everywhere I planted them, they are sprouting sprouting sprouting and I am thrilled about the prospect of having snap and shelling peas this year, as well as young shoots for stir frying.

All of the lettuce and spinach has germinated and needs to be thinned, desperately. I can't do it just yet, but I will get to it by the end of the week.

We had some renegade Dragon Carrots from last summer show up as well as some lettuce. All are welcome in our garden. Bring it.

Spinach that needs
some serious thinning
The radishes are growing like mad and need to be thinned. I thought I spaced the seeds out a bit better, but I guess not because I am sure from Google Earth you can see the rows of radishes in their thick, green splendor. It's kind of funny. I have planted them the last two years per the request of the men in the family and I am pretty sure they are sick of them after two days, but they always say they want more. This year, it will be documented.

Our daffodils are up and being compiled into bouquets for all of my son's favorite ladies. I haven't received one yet, but he is pulling up every dandelion he crosses paths with. There is most definitely some love in that for me. The tulips should arrive by Easter.

Strawberry plants
The strawberry plants are starting to look strong. Oh, I cannot wait for our Seascape Strawberries to appear. They are sweet like nothing I have ever tasted before. We just finished our last jar of strawberry jam and I already miss their sweet flavor.

The deer and raccoons are showing signs of their presence. There were hoof prints through the asparagus beds and raccoon prints through one of my raised beds and some carrots dug up. Punks. Now the beds are entirely enclosed: one in chicken wire, the other in bird netting. A good friend is coming by to help us estimate how much it would cost to put up a fence. What I would do for a fence.
Radishes, chives and thyme
Grape hyacinth
Sleeping daffodils
Waiting for Easter

This week I will be planting another round of carrots and some more lettuce. On my fantasy to-do list (you know, the one you think you can get done, the one you probably could have completed before kids) palette herb gardens will be completed. I really love this concept and I think they would create a much-needed wind break on the south side of the garden. Most of all, I need some space to try some Summer Savory. It was the herb of the summer for us last year and I would love to grow some of our own this year. Have you tried it before? You should.

Before I sign off, I have to say "Thank you" for stopping by. What a treat to see all of these gardeners meet last week and your amazing projects. New beds, new dirt, mushroom gardens and more. Thank you for sharing!

So...how is YOUR garden growing?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish I could grow asparagus here at home since they're quite expensive where I'm from! How I envy you!

  3. I'm so jealous that your gardening is already well under way. Mine is only just beginning. I still have no soil or plants yet. Here's my progress so far though.


  4. I think it'll finally let me comment...

    Here's mine, in the spirit of last week, but this time gardening herbs

  5. I've never attempted asparagus, but in our new garden, it might work. Loved hearing about your garden growing! I let my lettuce get a bit too big before thinning, then I can eat what I've thinned.

  6. What great photos! Love it! I just moved my tomatoes in bigger pots so they can get BIGGER. Seriously I'm so blog challenged... Here is a post about my garden...(Is this what I'm supposed to do?) http://cynthiasue.blogspot.com/2012/03/growth-spurt.html


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