Friday, December 23, 2011

These Moments

With both kids 24 hours, all week long, we had multiple moments. Enjoy!
The Little Man is fascinated with all things fast right now and at the top of the list are cheetahs and Peregrins Falcons. Thanks to one of my previous students, he had a chance to meet two and even touch one on the belly!!
This is Little Miss and her best buddy. Love these two. We call them "The Two Mabels" because they are like two old souls when they are together. Little Miss thought that the dinosaur costume was needed to make snack time complete. 
We were getting ready to go see Santa and there was Little Miss, grabbing a bottle from the recycling. Did she feel the need for a little liquid courage?
The best part of this week is that the kids have been "hanging out" together. I guess this means she is no longer a baby which makes me a little sad, but I am thrilled about the friendship and love these two have for one another and I love the times we are having now and excited about those to come.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Mental Chew is taking a break for some much needed family time this week. XOXOXO


  1. My goodness! I *love* that photo of the little Miss in the red raise + beer bottle in hand. Can anything be cuter?!?

    Happy holidays to you and your beautiful family! Have a blessed new year as well!

  2. Val, the red Christmas dress, beer bottle in hand, is priceless! BTW I'm planning to make the cranberry relish for the big day since we just so happen to have a bottle of Port - that's if Husband lets me take a little bit of it!

    Have a peaceful Christmas! Best to you and your family!

  3. Happy holidays to you too Val. Isn't it awesome the moment you realise your kids can connect with each other?

  4. What sweet photos! You are blessed to have these adorable kiddos running around your house - what better way to celebrate the holidays?!

  5. Happy Holidays to you.
    Liquid courage. My son always orders birch beer when we're out. Makes him look of age.

  6. Merry Christmas Val. Little man is adorable and Little Miss with the bottle is a great picture. The dress is too cute.

  7. Such fun & cute shots!!!

    Wishing the Happiest to you and yours for the holidays!! ~vB friend =)

  8. Oh my gosh!! So stinkin cute! Great, great photos!

  9. SO CUTE!! Love that the kids are getting along!! Hope that I can say the same next week!!

  10. Love all the photos. You had a fantastic week. The bottle picture is priceless. I don't understand the obsession of the little ones with bottles. :) Our son (6 month) is doing the same.
    Here is my moment:

  11. sorry, here is the direct link to it.

    Happy Holidays!

  12. Too cute! I loved it when my daughter started really spending time with my son. To watch them hang out was bitter sweet because it made me realize that my little girl isn't a baby anymore either. *Sigh* Why must they grow up, lol!

  13. OH My goodness, how adorable are these pictures. I love the picture of Little Miss! My daughter does the same thing. She'll be drinking booze before she ever tries milk. She'll drink anything but milk!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  14. Thanks everyone! Such sweet comments. Lil Miss and the beer bottle. Crazy thing is she LOVES bottles. First thing she really grabbed ahold of and what she crawled to...I think we are in trouble with this one.


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