Tuesday, July 5, 2011

~Say What?!?~070511

A fun look at life from a different perspective.
One of the aspects of gardening that I truly appreciate is finding the patterns that occur in nature. Patterns are comforting and predictable; however, sometimes life is not quite what we had expected, but there is beauty to explore there as well.

Tendrils. Tendrils everywhere. Grasping to continue growing. If they don't find something to intertwine within their curls, they end up in a ball mess with no growth. Grasp and reach out to grow today.


  1. Love the picture!
    For my fall garden I am planting: collards, beets, cabbage,cucumbers, radishes and spinach and beans. I want to plant something I have never grown before [for sping it was butternut squash], but still haven't decided yet. What are you planting?

  2. I am so impressed Tracey!! We are planting spinach, lettuce, leeks, cabbage and broccoli for sure. After that I am not sure. How is your butternut squash doing? Mine was a bust last summer.

  3. We just staked our cukes and so tendrils are at the forefront of my mind. Beautiful photo!


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