Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

PhotobucketIt is OFFICIAL! Starting March 27, Mental Chew will be sponsoring a blog hop, of sorts. You see, I am not a big fan of blog hops, but I really like the idea of seeing how YOUR garden is doing on a weekly basis, asking you questions and celebrating your success.

It will work a little something like this:
  1. You will create a post on your blog or upload photos someplace (Flickr) about your garden's progress (or pitfalls) each week.
  2. On Tuesdays, you will come to Mental Chew, see how my garden is doing and share a link to your post in the comment section. 
  3. We can all follow the link you left and head over to your blog to see how your garden is doing and leave comments. 
You will be able to watch everyone's progress under the "How Does Your Garden Grow?" tab on Mental Chew. The fun is that you can check in anytime and participate when you want.

We gardeners are a special lot and it will be educational and entertaining to follow one another's progress this gardening season. I hope you will join us!!

Side note: Thank you to Ro at Mommy Blog Designs for creating the button for this event!! If you would like to grab the button. Just head up to my "Grab My Button" tab. 


  1. What a very neat idea! I tried gardening a couple of years ago and failed miserably. I might just have to try it again :)

    1. Definitely give it another shot. Last year was a horrid gardening year on the island. Fingers crossed for this year!

  2. Great link up! I may come back to learn from everyone who posts! :)

  3. I will happily come and see what is going on with everyone's garden as well as let you all know what's going on in mine! I love gardening too Val, what fun!! Great idea!! xo

    1. Oh, and it will be so wonderful to see you here! I can't wait to compare notes.

    2. What a neat idea, best of luck to you! I wish I had a green thumb, so I could join in on the fun.


    3. What a neat idea, best of luck to you! I wish I had a green thumb, so I could join in on the fun.


  4. I desperately need some help. Last year I planned on starting a veggie garden (I'm a salad-lover), only it was overtaken by my mother-in-law's sowing mayhem...we ended up with 2,546 pounds of cucumber. Great. I'll definitely keep an eye out here this year!

    1. Wow...that is a serious load of cucumbers. We will be keeping an eye out for ya!

  5. I like this! This would be fun! I told you before, that I started a lovely garden just before becoming pregnant with my twins, and as the chaos of having twins took over my life, by garden failed, but I think at this point I would really like to try and give it another go, I would give anything for some fresh tomatoes!

    1. Yes, I remember. Join me and let's bring some tomatoes to te table together.

  6. I'd like to be part of this! I'm very proud of our garden, even if I'm not the one tending it, haha! It's my grandmother's hobby, and she does a pretty good job of making her plants grow. :)

    1. I'd love to have you join me and I would love to learn from your grandmother's experience.

  7. So excited! Thanks for doing this!

  8. Can't wait. I'm not sure where you are located at but over here, there won't be much growing on March 28. It would be kind of neat if we all planted one of a certain type of plant (only if you want to). I would be curious to see the differences between our locations.

    1. Ooooh I like this idea! Thoughts? I have peas, lettuce and radishes in so far.

    2. Good! I have a very big deer problem (and other animals)at my house. they eat everything, even all my roses, thorns and all. I always grow sunflowers,pumpkins, blueberries, blackberries,morning glories, and the rest keeps changing. I'm located on the border of zone 7a and 6b. Maybe you can suggest a few options of veggies and maybe a few flowers. Plants that can grow just about anywhere.
      here a link to the zone chart if anyone needs it.

  9. This is awesome and such a great idea! Did you see my post yesterday about not knowing what plants I was dealing with? I am a moron in the garden. Not Your Ordinary Recipes
    Not Your Ordinary Agent

  10. I'm so into this! As a fairly new gardener, I'd love a place to ask questions and see what others are doing!


Thank you for sharing your feedback, questions and comments. The back and forth is what it is all about! If you would like to leave a link to one of your posts, follow this format in your comment and it will be a hyperlink.