Saturday, June 25, 2011


Mental Chew has been nominated as one of the Top 25 Family Blogs on Circle of Moms. *blushing* But now I want to win. I can't help it. I am closet competitive. So if you have already found yourself in my little corner of the blogosphere, please click on the lil' pink graphic and then choose "Mental Chew" and give me a thumbs up. You can vote once a day until July 14 and I hope someone out there will join me in clicking. Gee thanks. *blushing* again.


  1. I found you over at Circle of Moms. Let me just say that I am so glad that I did! My husband and I are moving in a couple of weeks into our new home where for the first time I will have a big beautiful backyard. I have always wanted to start my own garden. I have been looking up plants and seeds to sow in the late summer for a fall garden. I just told my husband the other day that I needed to find a good gardening blog. I love to read blogs, and blog myself. You have my vote and support, and I'll be sure to follow you as well! :)


  2. Thanks Candice! Best wishes on your new home AND garden and I will check out your blog as well!

  3. Thanks Candice! Best wishes on your new home AND garden and I will check out your blog as well!


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