Friday, January 13, 2012

{this moment}: kisses

I have been working on something over here, was originally inspired by this lovely mama and it all started with Soule Mama.


  1. That is so cute. I'll bet you are glad they love each other. Must be a happy home!

  2. Oh! It's making me melt inside! Nothing sweeter than smooshy baby kisses.

  3. Oh, that is an adorable photo! Love the big eyes. Here is my moment:

  4. Such love between siblings! Val, they are just adorable!

  5. Before you all start to believe that I live in fairy tale love land, note the name of this post...this moment. There is a whole lot of love between these two, but it picks it's moments and I just happened to catch this one. Lil Miss is a bit of a kissing bandit these days.

  6. I am quite certain my heart just melted.

    so stinking cute!!

  7. That is simply the cutest photo ever! Love it!

    Great moment, well captured!

    Wishing you a delightful weekend!

  8. That moment has just melted my heart into a mushy puddle! Jacinta


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