Wednesday, January 11, 2012

OXO Eggbeater or Transformer that Makes Pancakes?

In this day and age of power tools for the kitchen, cooking with your kids can be a little dangerous. Recently. in our kitchen, mixers, blenders and food processors have given way to wooden spoons and whisks so the Little Man can take part. It is getting harder to say, "Move ahead and Mom will do this part". Independent little minds and hands leave the room when pushed aside one too many times.

Over the Christmas holiday, LM wanted to get involved in the baking and I was forgetting to include him in the process. You see, he started making his own oatmeal in the morning, so now he is a chef and baker, on his terms, when he wants to be.

After receiving the OXO Eggbeater to demo (and giveaway), I thought I would try it out on him. "Would you like to help me make pancakes?" Sold, and THEN I showed him the eggbeater. "SERIOUSLY Mom, I get to use that?!?" Oh yes you do fine child.

So he made pancakes and they were mighty fluffy. Once he got started, he wouldn't stop and then it was time to clean the gadget. The beater section "shoots off like a Transformer". Cool. After removing the beaters, cleaning and then reassembling, he was convinced we bought him a Transformer toy that could make pancakes. I didn't even mention that he could make whipped cream with it!

Thank you OXO. Your attention to Universal Design in every product never fails and keeps my kiddo cooking. I am amazed by the ease-of-movement this eggbeater has and how easy it is to break apart and reassemble for cleaning. This is not the cumbersome and awkward eggbeater I remember trying to tackle as a kid.

Here are some more of the features and benefits of this classic kitchen tool:
*Smoothly rotating gears are enclosed for protection and easy clean-up
*Soft, comfortable, non-slip grips on turning knob and contoured handle
*Sturdy stainless steel beaters can be removed for cleaning or for tasting
*Beaters are elevated and continue to work while device rests on bottom of bowl
*Perfect for eggs, light batters, whipped cream and more
*Base detaches from top and is dishwasher safe

Seriously, these folks think of everything and they even thought about you. Leave a comment and I will randomly choose a winner Sunday at 10 PM PST to receive their own OXO eggbeater. Good luck!

Buy your own right now, HERE
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<*<*<*<*WINNER: Pam from Two Loons and a Book. Congratulations! *>*>*>*>


  1. I know it takes longer to do things when a wee one is helping, but it sure does make everything more enjoyable!
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  2. I love seeing this! I love when my son helps me cook too. Not only he enjoy helping but when the food is done, when it's mighty tasty, he is also proud of himself and eats a lot more of his meal. Thanks for this post. I will be looking into this gadget!

  3. My grandkids would love this... especially my little Josiah (just 3) who would rather help in the kitchen than just about anything!).

  4. How fun! I love finding ways to get kids interested in cooking.

  5. Just think... a little time invested now means soon he'll be cooking dinner while you "play" on your blog :)
    My kids make about 1/3 of our dinners anymore. LOVE IT!

  6. This sounds really cool and so easy for kids to use. I gave it a +1 for you and stumbled it so more people will find out about it!!

  7. I can't wait to cook with my little one (she is only 3 months haha!). Actually she will probably cook with her dad while I watch and eat...I'm definitely not the chef in the family! Following you from VB!

  8. Every time I think of having my little ones in the kitchen with me, it brings a big smile to my face. My kids thought my colander was the coolest helmet.

  9. My kids LOVE to help me cook, although this mom does tend to get a wee bit, um, impatient at times. Cooking with my kids gives me a chance to practice my yoga breathing ;) Thanks for the giveaway - Loooove OXO products!

  10. Baking is a new adventure for me and my little guy. I think I have myself a little pastry chef! The "transformer" looks awesome!

  11. I like the classic stuff like this. I'm not much for all of the extra gadgets in the kitchen. I still chop with a knife on a cutting board too.


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