Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring Butterfly Parfait Toppers

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It was my turn to bring snack and Spring was in the air. While perusing Pinterest, I saw some butterflies made out of ziplock bags and clothespins and they were filled with snacks. The concept was cute, but I knew that my Lil Man would need more than just a snack bag to satiate him at snack time, so I filled one wing with organic granola and the other with organic raisins. After the construction was complete, I served them on top of a container of Brown Cow organic cream top yogurt and the kids made Parfaits. The teachers said the kids loved them, so mission completed!

Here is how I did it:

1) Color clothespins.

2) Fill half of Ziplock bag with granola and put clothespin in place.

3) Fill the second half of butterfly with raisins.

4) Twist a pipe cleaner in place for antennae.

This is a kid-friendly creation for a fun-filled and healthy Spring snack. Enjoy!!


  1. These are so great Val! I've done something similar for my son in his preschool snack. You're right, there isn't enough there to actually be enough of a snack so I had to add more, but he still loves seeing the butterfly appear in his snack bag from time to time. Love Pinterest, such great ideas there!

  2. What a clever idea! I should definitely start Pinterest-ing... I know I need a lot of great mommy ideas :)

  3. That's really cool!

    I'm from VB! New follower! Here's my blog: Would love a follow!

    Have a great evening!

  4. These are darling! I am definitely pinning these now!

  5. How cute are those! My kids would love them. Second post I've read today where ladies are actually trying out the stuff they pin. Good for you! I have to do the same.
    Visiting via voiceBoks.

  6. Those turned out really good--- I have those pinned too-- thinking of trying sometime this summer

  7. AHH!!! Sooo cute!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by:)


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