Sunday, February 26, 2012

This Week's Menu - February 27

Do you ever have those days where ideas roll and you think "Wow! I should share that!" and then a friend, without prompting, suggests you should do the same thing and you are feeling pretty confident? Then you do that thing, wake up at 3 in the morning two weeks later and realize you are doing it all wrong?

My weekly menus. Pinterest. Yada yada yada.

I realized that I need to start posting what I made last week, the recipes I used and modifications I made along with my own photos. I do use Pinterest to help me meal plan. I have one Board called "What's for Dinner?" and another called "Meal Plan". The first is serving as my recipe warehouse, the second my plan for the week, which I will delete. I am a visual person and I am working really hard to create more meals that rollover to the next in order to reduce our waste. This week there will be a lot of chicken rolling through and you will see the outcome, right here, next Sunday. The reason for my own photos is that I am a firm believer of "what you see is what you get". I am finding that many of the recipes I try have been photographed by food stylists and look too good to be true. I want to keep it honest with you. In addition, I will post links directly to their recipes. Finally, I will be making a 7-day plan, instead of just the 5-day plan that I started with originally AND I will have printable weekly meal planners! Woo hoo!

Here are links to my last three menu plans, if you need ideas for this week. Enjoy!
January 16
February 13
February 20

(Side note: We are just getting past the worst part of this terrible illness that swept through our family this week. Thank you for all of the well wishes and the support. I am determined to get the peas in today!)



  1. Awesome! I love your what's for dinner boards... I'm following you on Pinterest now. Yay!

  2. Just an FYI, made the crockpot veggie lasagna for the week. Gosh it was so good. I did a little bit of bending here and there but overall followed the recipe. Thanks for posting. Going to do it again and freeze for future meals. MIBFV

  3. I'm looking forward to checking out your recipes ( I'm a huge Pinterest fan). I really like that you're wanting to use your own photos - I always try to do the same when I post recipes to my blog too.

    Peace. ;)


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