Friday, February 3, 2012

{this moment}:pinching the grumpiness out

...or trying anyways.


  1. It is so nice to put a beautiful face with your words!
    I need the grumpies pinched out here as there is a wee one sitting in a chair with her arms crossed!
    Have a super weekend.

    1. Aren't you sweet? I hope you had luck on your end!! Happy weekend to you!

  2. great shot. Hope the little one was less grumpy after that shot :) here is my moment:
    Our son discovered the magic of balls in a pool.

  3. Don't think it is working. Wish it did cause we've got two grumps who take turns in this house.

    My moment is a bit of family time, rare these days as my husband is in the last throes of his dissertation and has been working 12+ hour days. The kids were so glad to have him home for a few hours.

  4. So cuuuute! Is that you, Val? Aren't you gorgeous? Now we know why the little grumpy one is so cute too. :)


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