Thursday, February 23, 2012

Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal for Non-Oatmeal Lovers

We are an oatmeal house, but this wasn't always the case. Growing up, I would see my dad cringe and grimace whenever oatmeal was mentioned. You see, he came to the US via a ship during WWII (after being in internment camps). The kids were served lukewarm, lumpy oatmeal day and night. So, I understand his disdain for this grain and you can be sure oatmeal didn't find it's way into our house, not even in the form of cookies.

During my grad school years, finances were slim and we were living on our sailboat (which was heavenly). Our cooking space was lovingly known as "the one butt kitchen" and storage was at a minimum. Several friends suggested starting the day with a large bowl of piping hot oatmeal. I knew they were right, I just couldn't stomach the concept (and I felt like I was betraying my dad a bit). Finally, I gave in and tried it all. Oats, quick oats, malt-o-meal with brown sugar, cinnamon, milk, nuts, berries, dried fruit. Nothing worked. I could not force myself past the first spoonful. My hot cereal collection was passed on to my classmates.

Seven years later, I heard some buzz about a local coffee shop and their incredible oatmeal. Facebook statuses were posted by locals about "needing a fix". Ya, whatever. It's just oatmeal, right? Yuck (like a mature adult). I met a friend for coffee and everyone was getting this oatmeal and "oohing" and "ahhhing" about the warm, tasty goodness. People, get ahold of yourselves, it's just oatmeal. My friend said I should try a cup and that she would pay if I didn't like it. I gave in, thinking I would prove her wrong. "One oatmeal with brown sugar, pecans and berries." Worse case scenario, I could eat the toppings. The first bite was all toppings. "I love this!" Nice try. Here we go...damn, it IS good! Creamy, warm, sweet deliciousness. I was hooked...and then the owners of the coffee shop left, but I have figured out their secret and now we are an oatmeal house. Join us.

Makes approximately 2 servings


  • 1 1/2 c Bob's Red Mill Steel Cut Oats
  • 1 c water
  • 1/2 milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 apple, peeled, cored and diced
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar

*more brown sugar for sprinkling

1) In a small saucepan, bring water, milk and vanilla to a soft boil. Reduce heat to Lo and add oats. Simmer while covered for 20 minutes. Stir frequently.
2) In a small frying pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add apples, cinnamon and brown sugar. Sauté until soft.
3) Spoon oatmeal into bowls while hot and cover with apple mixture. Sprinkle a little extra brown sugar on the top and enjoy!

Fresh berries (the juice from blackberries is awesome!)
Dried fruit

(I have heard about making this on warm in a slow cooker overnight. I will investigate and keep you posted.)

What do you like to put on your oatmeal?

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  1. Yummmm... I so can't wait to try this. I love oatmeal and my kiddos are still at an age where they are at least open minded to eating it. I just know they'll love this recipe. Especially the apples on top. I'll keep you posted on how they like it. :-)


    1. The longer you let them cook, the creamier it will become. They are a course grain, so longer is better. Add more liquid if needed and keep me posted! XO


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