Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mental Chew's 2012 Seed & Plant List

Ok, I have done it. I have decided what we will plant in our garden for now. I have gone with three different companies this year for several reasons. 1) History with the company 2) Organic or heirloom 3) Convenience (available on the island) 4) Just kind of fun!

Seeds marked with a * are varieties I have used before with success.

Also, as I plan, I like to use Territorial Seed's planting chart. Very helpful.

Botanical Interests
Bush Bean - Tiger's Eye (drying)
Cucumbers - Homemade Pickles
Peas - Progress #9 (shelling)
*Radish - Cherry Belle
*Spinach - Tyee
Sunflowers - Mammoth Russian
*Zucchini - Black Beauty

Seed Savers Exchange
Bean - Hidatsa Red (drying)
*Carrot - Danvers
Gourd - Apple
Kale - Lacinto
Lettuce - Grandpa Admire's
Sunflowers - Sunflower Mixture
*Swiss Chard - 5 Color Silverbeet

Territorial Seed Company
Artichoke - Green Globe
*Basil - Sweet Basil
Bean - Scarlet Emperor Bean
Corn - Golden Bantam
*Garlic - Music (bulbs)
*Leeks - Giant Musselburgh
*Lettuce - Valmaine (Romaine)
*Marigolds - Bonanza Mix
*Onions - Walla Walla (bulbs)
*Peas - Cascadia (snap)
Pole Beans - Kentucky Blue
*Potatoes - French Fingerlings
*Potatoes - German Butterballs
*Potatoes - Yukon Golds
*Pumpkin - Howden
*Pumpkin - Small Sugar
*Radish - Cherry Belle
Shallots - Santé Shallots
Summer Savory
Summer Squash - Superpik Squash (yellow)
Sunflowers - Kong
*Tomato - Oregon Cherry Tomato (plants)

Do you want to see if your favorite seed company signed the Safe Seed Pledge? Check here.


  1. Ooh, exciting! I love seed-ordering time, don't you!? I'm just about to sit down and decide on what I'll be planting this year, too. Looks like you've got some good ones chosen!

    1. Amanda, I would love to hear what you are planting. Lots of herbs, of course!! (For those of you visiting, check out Amanda's site at : ) Hopefully we can set up a giveaway ;)


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