Friday, February 10, 2012

Last of the list - dried beans

It is all coming down to beans. My seed list has been vacillating from no bean seeds to five different varieties. This isn't something we have done before, but since we use so many, it seems to make sense and there are really beautiful varieties out there.

Do you have any experience with dried beans?

Which varieties do you like?


  1. I really love scarlet runner beans. They're very tasty AND beautiful in the garden. I know they're not the most interesting variety of beans out there (every garden center sells them) but there is a reason for that!!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I haven't grown this variety before and I love trying something new. I also went with two other varieties of beans. Check out my seed list!

  2. We don't ever get to the dried bean stage....they all get eaten fresh. So we normally do a scarlet runner and a purple bean. I'm big on color and flavor and they both fit perfectly. I normally stick with two types due to space restrictions though.

    1. Angela, That has been a problem for us as well. I am attempting (*ha ha*) to be more intentional so we can have some for the winter months. I think it would be fun to make up a pot of beans each week that we had grown in our garden! Optimism is an illness, I know. I did ended up grabbing some scarlet runner seeds, so thanks for the suggestion!


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