Monday, November 21, 2011

Week of Thanks: Tuesday

Today is my favorite day of this week.

A little over two years ago, I was told that we were lucky to have one healthy child and that he would be our one and only. A year ago today, I had Lil Miss.

Her birth was scheduled since there were complications during her brother's birth and we live on an island that is accessible only by air or water. My sweet friend was due 2 days before me and had her sweet bundle a week early. The weather was turning to high winds and snow and I was not going to get stuck on the island, so we left three days early. She waited, but it was so nice to be near the hospital.

Her birth was textbook easy and it all felt so surreal that she was a part of our lives. I had talked myself out of our second child for so long that even the nine months of pregnancy had not prepared me for her presence in our lives.

But now she is here and she is spunky, oh so spunky, and she makes us laugh and smile and cry (the happy kind). She makes me shine inside in a way I didn't know was possible.

Lil Miss, I am so glad you are a part of our family and I am so thankful that your sassy little spirit didn't listen to those doctors. There are big designs for someone with this much drive and I can't wait to see where the road takes you. Happy Birthday KMC. We love you.


  1. What a beautiful post! It's funny how life can surprise us!! Babies are by far the best surprises! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration! We have two Thanksgiving babies in our family too! My niece just turned 10 and my little nephew turns 1 today!! Enjoy!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little miss! xx

  3. Happy Birthday Little Miss. Congratulations Val she is a cutie.

  4. I so hope our story travels the same road as yours. This gives me faith! Happy birthday little miss!

  5. Congratulations! I have two children also, and can't think of anything better!


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